Make a Donation
The generosity of our donors and partners makes our mission possible.
Every dollar makes a difference in the lives of the people we serve. Your generosity helps us meet the needs of the more than 3,000 people with disabilities that we support annually. Donors help us put the beyond in what we do every day at Ability Beyond.
Your support empowers all individuals, no matter their ability, with the tools they need to live independent and productive lives.
How You Can Help
Questions? Call (203) 826-3008 or email: development@abilitybeyond.org
Donate Online Now
Your support will directly impact the lives of thousands of people with disabilities living in our communities. Our services cost about half as much as those provided by State agencies, while our administrative overhead is well below the industry norm.
Donate By Mail
To send us a donation by check or money order, please make all checks payable to Ability Beyond and mail to:
Ability Beyond
C/O Development Office
4 Berkshire Blvd.
Bethel, CT 06801
Fundraise for Us
Individuals and organizations can host an independent fundraising event to support Ability Beyond. Third-party fundraisers in the past have ranged from 5K run/walks, special events at schools and churches, and much more. Individuals can also create a personal online fundraising page to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other special milestone using our peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising platform.
Matching Gifts
Many companies will match charitable contributions made by employees and retirees, doubling–and often tripling–the impact of your personal gift. Contact your employer’s human resources department to find out if it has a matching gift program. Complete and send the matching gift form along with your contribution to Ability Beyond.
Planned Giving
Planned Gifts are a great opportunity to build a personal legacy. For members of our Legacy for Independence Society, crafting a legacy is an empowering act, conveying an important personal value ensuring Ability Beyond’s mission continues for the next generation and beyond.
We seek helping hands for a variety of projects, such as building wheelchair-accessible ramps, planting and tending to gardens, making special deliveries to group homes or through direct social activities with the people we serve. Individuals and employee groups are welcome!
Nonprofit Designation
Ability Beyond is a non-profit,+ recognized as a 501(c)(3) by the IRS. Donations made, where a return of good or services are not provided, are tax deductible.

Your contributions matter and create life changing opportunities and programs for families and our community members.