Register Now for our ‘Gala & Beyond – Party with a Purpose’
Gala and Beyond – Party with a Purpose
Please plan to join us on Saturday, April 24, 2021 and Party with a Purpose at our Gala and Beyond. Be part of our limited, socially-distanced in-person seating at The Amber Room in Danbury, and or join hundreds more guests who will be partying from home, with a specially-boxed dinner to go, and live steaming event.
** Now more than ever we need your Support! **
Your support provides critical funds for the 3,000+ people we serve.
What would they do without a loving, supportive Ability Beyond home or our employment, day and clinical programs and support services?
YOUR generosity to Ability Beyond is THEIR future.
Here are examples of how your donation can help:
$2,500 ……. Support and recovery services for those struggling with addiction and mental health disorders.
$1,000…….. Transportation to work and volunteer activities for people with developmental disabilities.
$500……….. Access to assistive technology for people with cerebral palsy.
$250 ……….. Music therapy classes for youth adults with autism.
$100………… A birthday celebration for a resident.
Sponsorship Opportunities are also available. Please contact Tracy Conte for more information.