Project SEARCH Info Nights for Danbury, Waterbury Coming Soon!
Our nationally-recognized Project SEARCH internship program for transitioning young adults with disabilities will be holding two informational sessions for those interested in upcoming program sessions. We are excited to be looking for new candidates for programs that will be available soon at Danbury and Waterbury Hospitals. You can also learn more about our program as featured recently by The News-Times.
About The Program
Project SEARCH is a one-year internship program for students with disabilities, between the ages of 18-22 and recently graduated young adults. It is targeted to students whose goal is competitive employment. The program takes place at multiple locations including Danbury and Waterbury Hospitals. Students participate in three, 10-week unpaid internships at Danbury Hospital in a multitude of fields to gain necessary hard and soft skills to be successfully employed in the community by the end of the program. The goal of Project SEARCH is competitive employment for each student
intern utilizing the skills they learned during the program.
Benefits of the program include:
- Participate in a variety of internship experiences.
- Develop competitive, transferable, and marketable job skills.
- Gain increased independence, confidence, and self-esteem
- Obtain work-based individualized coaching, instruction, and feedback
- Seamless post-exit/program graduation support.
- And so much more!
More About The Info Nights
Come learn about the program, the application process, and have the opportunity to ask questions of the Ability Beyond Project SEARCH team.
Danbury Hospital Informational Session – January 25, 2024
5:00 to 6:30 p.m. – 4 Berkshire Blvd. Bethel CT
Snow Date – Feb. 8
Waterbury Hospital Informational Session – February 6, 2024
5:00 to 6:30 p.m. – 378 Chase Avenue, Waterbury, CT
Snow Date – Feb. 13
To Register
Email – JuliaAnderson@Abilitybeyond.org
Or call (203) 231.0925 today to reserve a spot!