COVID-19 Update for March 16th – New Visitor Restrictions
- At this time, Ability Beyond has NO COVID-19 cases and are following universal precautions to keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.
- All Day & Work programs are closed until further notice.
- As of Monday, 3/16, we will be PROHIBITING ALL VISITORS to our licensed facilities and implementing restrictions to visitors to people we serve who live in their own homes. Regulations around visitors are being temporarily lifted and we are taking this step to protect the vulnerable people we serve.
- As of Monday, 3/16, all offices will be closed except for critical personnel, and the NY Clinic will be closed  for the time being and until further notice
- We are asking families to take their loved one home for a 2-week minimum in order to decrease our groups sizes and consolidate resources-we appreciate your assistance if at all possible
- Our team remains calm, diligent and focused on doing our best for the whole Ability Beyond Family
- If you have any questions, please email coronaquestions@abilitybeyond.org
- Resources are now available on our website abilitybeyond.org
- Keep watching emails, social media and our website for updates
- Please know that our Leadership and Health Services Teams are in constant contact with state and public health officials, monitoring the situation closely and acting swiftly to do our best for the entire Ability Beyond family