Level 3 Red – Important Family Update
A surge is upon us, so do what you can to slow it down.
Dear Families,
Due to the increase in Covid cases in New York and Connecticut, and in order to keep everyone as safe as possible ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, New York, Danbury Bristol Regions (all NY & CT service areas) are now Level 3 – Red, effective November 16, 2020.
Please know that at this time, and because of the hard work of Team Ability, our prevalence remains significantly lower than our surrounding communities and our goal is to keep it that way! The shift to Level Red is in keeping with current guidance for the state, and will help ensure the continued safety of all.
I have spoken to many families, and know how difficult this is for you and your loved one.
Please know that our first intention is the safety of your loved ones and our whole community. Overall, I can tell you that the people we serve are doing really well and we will get them through this. We greatly appreciate your support, and if you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
P.S. Don’t forget to get your flu shots!
- Most restrictive level, based on guidance from public health officials and internal data
- Meant to control spikes within the greater Ability Beyond community
- For people served, it is a return to quarantine status, limiting activities to mostly in their home
- For people served who are employed, teams should follow decision trees to determine safest plan
- For people served in public school, teams should follow decision trees to determine safest plan
- Some Day Program sites may remain open depending on community data, etc.
- Critical visitors only (related to health and safety)
- For staff, it is a 1-work location limit, and limiting exposure outside of work as much as possible
- For our support team members, limit location floating as much as possible and support remotely
- Continued, strict adherence to PPE, hygiene, disinfection and social distancing guidance
- Continued, carefully monitoring for symptoms of people served and staff
- If at any time you have a questions, please contact your Program Manager, or email coronaquestions@abilitybeyond.org
LEVEL 2 ORANGE Precautions for visits out with or to family homes.
- Limit the visit to immediate family members only
- Keep the visit low key and stick to being home or outside activities away from others (walks, park, apple picking as examples)
- Refrain from restaurants, malls, stores, movies, festivals, etc.-anything with people essentially.
- Follow all precautionary guidance around disinfecting, hand-washing, etc.
- When in close contact with your loved one (within 6 feet, in a car, when providing hands on support) PLEASE wear a mask (we can provide some if needed)
- Refrain from the visit if anyone in the family has had any symptoms, exposures, travel, or excessive community exposure
- If at any time you have a questions, please contact your Program Manager, or email coronaquestions@abilitybeyond.org