News & Events

Help us Spread the Word — Fairfield County Giving Day!!

Your support means so much to us!! And fundraising is an important part of what we do to ensure that we continue to fulfil our mission every day – to discover, build and celebrate the ability in all people. During this year’s giving day, won’t you help us spread the word through your own social media networks?

We’ve provided some sample social media posts, graphics, and more that will make it easy for you to help us spread the word. Thank you so much for all that you do for Ability Beyond!

It’s that easy!!!

Sample Posts

“During Fairfield County Giving Day, please consider supporting my favorite charity – Ability Beyond! They serve more than 3,000 people with disabilities annually with residential services, employment programs and more! #FairfieldCountyGives”

“Please consider giving to my favorite charity – Ability Beyond – during Fairfield County Giving Day. Every donation will help them continue their mission to discover, build and celebrate the ability in all people. #FairfiedCountyGives”

“Please consider making a donation today to Ability Beyond as part of Fairfield County Giving Day. No matter the size, your gift will have a lasting impact on the people with disabilities they serve and their families. #FairfieldCountyGives”

Ability Beyond Giving Page Link –

Download Graphics

Download this graphic that you can use along with your post.

Download here


Thank You!!

Thank you so much for helping us on this important day of giving. Your help is is truly appreciated. Thanks for being part of the Ability Beyond family!!