News & Events

Watch Our Next Family Update, Tues. April 21st at 7 PM

Join us by web cast or phone for our weekly update to families with Jane Davis, President & CEO Tuesday at 7 PM.

To join by web:

  1. Click this link: Link to Webcast
  2. Select “Join on the Web”
  3. There is no need to sign in – you can select “Join Anonymously”

To join by phone:

  1. Dial +1 860-785-9442   
  2. Enter Conference ID:  250 062 330#

Please keep sending us your questions to If you are unable to join us live, this update will be recorded and available for viewing through the above link.  Just click on the “Link to Webcast” to access the recording.

As a special note, we hope you will join us for our NO GO GALA on Saturday, April 25th from 6-7 PM for our live webcast “Hour of Giving” to support COVID-19 Relief at Ability Beyond. We will share photos and video updates, and Comedienne Christine O’Leary will host a special evening of giving and bring us a little bit of levity. Donations of all sizes are needed and every dollar counts! To tune in, visit our homepage and click on the yellow banner at the top.  Hope to you can join us from the comfort of your own home!