Corporate Support
Corporations harness a unique potential to advance nonprofit work, poised to invest traditional funding as well as time, talent and expertise. Some businesses and foundations have been supporting us for well over a decade – a testament to their unwavering dedication, and to Ability Beyond’s stewardship of the funds we receive.
Corporate Opportunities
Questions? Call (203) 826-3008 or email: development@abilitybeyond.org
Event Sponsorship
Events are an exceptional opportunity for businesses to partner with us and demonstrate to new and diverse audiences, or reaffirm to your customers, your dedication to helping people with disabilities. Learn more about our signature events below and how event sponsorship can benefit your business.
We seek helping hands for a variety of projects, such as building wheelchair-accessible ramps, planting and tending to gardens, making special deliveries to group homes or through direct social activities with the people we serve. Individuals and employee groups are welcome!
Workplace Giving
Encouraging employees to make a positive impact through charitable giving is extremely rewarding. Supporting Ability Beyond is simple through the United Way and other employee giving programs.
We can provide you with the resources needed for giving campaigns in support of Ability, including custom donation pages and inspiring impact reports and stories.
In-Kind Donations
We welcome in-kind contributions that will enrich the lives of those we serve through experience, or by offsetting the costs of a program. Examples are training for the people we serve, training for staff and/or product or gift card donations.
Employment Opportunities
One of the most direct and meaningful ways to empower someone is by providing them with a dignified opportunity to work. That’s what our career development partners do by connecting the people we serve with competitive jobs and hands-on learning experiences that align with their skills and interests.
Disability Solutions
Building upon decades of experience in disability employment, our Disability Solutions division provides consulting services to guide corporations through disability inclusion.
We help corporations tap new channels for qualified talent, manage culture change, leverage federal and state hiring incentives, respond to a changing regulatory environment, and strengthen their workforce through diversity.
Nonprofit Designation
Ability Beyond is a non-profit,+ recognized as a 501(c)(3) by the IRS. Donations made, where a return of good or services are not provided, are tax deductible.

Your contributions matter and create life changing opportunities and programs for families and our community members.