Ability Beyond Rallies for Equitable Funding
More than 150 staff members. clients and family members gathered in Hartford recently to rally for more state funding for community providers during the Nonprofit Rally & Lobby Day at the State Capitol in Hartford, Connecticut.
Several clients addressed the crow of more than 1,000 supporters who chanted, “here us,” outside the doors of the capitol building. Advocates have been calling for an increase in funding for the human services budget after recent proposals call for just a one percent increase. Given inflationary pressures, this is essentially a cutback in funding.
State funding also has a direct impact on what we’re able to pay our employees. These are our everyday heroes and backbone of our organization. They are passionate people who are committed to ensuring that we discover, build and celebrate the ability in all of our clients, each and every day.
State Rep. Bob Godfrey and state Sen. Julie Kusher were among several lawmakers that day who came to the rally to speak with our clients and staff members. Don’t forget to check out all the great photos from the event below!
Take Action
However, there is still time to tell your lawmakers that more funding is needed for nonprofits, and a one percent increase simply isn’t acceptable. Use this simple link to reach out to your lawmaker today and tell them the difference that community service providers have been in your life.
Click Here to Contact Your Legislator Today!!