Important Updates on COVID-19 Measures
Dear Ability Beyond Family, Friends & Employees,
We want to keep providing you with up-to-date information on the COVID-19 situation here at Ability Beyond. As of now, our COOP (Continuous Operations) Plan and Flu Prevention strategies are working well and we are preparing as best we can for what is coming next. Please know that everything is fluid and we are changing strategies quickly to best meet the needs of the people we serve, so please be patient with us. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk with your program manager or email: CoronaQuestions@AbilityBeyond.org.
We appreciate in advance all the support you can give us and the hundreds of people we are supporting through this.
First, for Day Program Families:
- As of Friday, 3/13, ALL CT Day & Work Programs will be closed until further notice.
- As of Monday, 3/16, ALL NY Day & Work Programs will be closed. This is a containment strategy to keep all of the people we serve as healthy as possible (and also a mandate from some of our funders).
- Employment Services will continue for now but likely using technology going forward as we look to lower the number of all in-person meetings.
- The NY Article-16 & 28 Clinic will remain OPEN in order to continue critical therapy services to those who need them.
For Residential and Supported Living Families:
- For those of you who requested more information on technology, you can find it added to the bottom of the linked form. If this helps you make a decision, please fill the form out again with the approval if you can.
- We have implemented a visitor screening policy which may change quickly to no visitors at all, but for now please comply with questions and obviously do not attempt to visit a program if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, had a possible exposure or have traveled to a high-risk country — you will be turned away.
- We are deferring all non-essential medical appointments at this time, at our discretion. You can help us out by taking 1 minute to confirm receipt of that information here by clicking this link: ttp://bit.ly/medicaldeferment
- We are also deferring all in-person team meetings and at this time will triage all program issues by phone or virtual meetings. Again, this is a containment strategy to keep everyone safe.
- Many of you have already indicated that you are able to temporarily care for your loved one at home during this State of Emergency — we will be reaching out to you to discuss.
The Ability Beyond team is committed, passionate and, of course, human. Please be patient and help support us in any way you can – it means so much to our team and the people we support. We are prepared and monitoring everything closely and you can expect frequent updates throughout the next few weeks.
Again, any questions, employees can contact your program manager or and family, friends and employees are invited to email us at CoronaQuestions@AbilityBeyond.org. And check back here to this page for frequent updates.
Thank you!
Jane Davis, President & CEO